Chocolate Pud

I came across this gluten-free recipe online and I thought I have to try it… vegans you will love this one. Non-vegans, try this snack/pudding with an open mind is all I got to say!

Ingredients: 1.5 large sweet potatoes. 3/4 cup almond milk. 7 tbsp raw cocoa powder. 2 tsp raw vanilla extract. 2 tbsp (or more according to taste) agave nectar. Cardamom to taste. Sea salt to taste. Raw cocoa nibs. Red currant or any other berry to serve.

Boil the sweet potatoes until cooked. Allow to cool then peel the skin.

Place all the ingredients, except the cocoa nibs and berries, in a food processor and blend until fully smooth.

Refrigerate for about 3 hours.

To serve, sprinkle some cocoa nibs on top and garnish with your berry of choice. Voila! Quickest pudding ever!

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